Friday, August 8, 2014

ENGINEERING LIBRARY NEW BOOK LIST for the week of August 11-17, 2014

Engineering Library New Books List

These materials will generally be available for browsing on the new book shelf by Monday morning. If you have any questions, concerns, or want us to order a book for the collection, let us know. Please send email to:

University of Washington Engineering Library
(; (206)543-0740

ENGINEERING LIBRARY NEW BOOK LIST for the week of August 11-17, 2014.

1. Macroscopic models for vehicular flows and crowd dynamics: theory and applications: classical and non-classical advanced mathematics for real life applications / Massimiliano Daniele Rosini (Heidelberg: Springer, 2013).
Call Number: HE336.T7 R67 2013

2.Systems lifecycle cost-effectiveness: the commercial, design, and human factors of systems engineering / Massimo Pica (Farnham, Surrey, England: Gower, 2014).
Call Number: TA168 .P48 2014

3.Water resources in the built environment: management issues and solutions / edited by Colin A. Booth, Susanne M. Charlesworth (Chichester, West Sussex, Wiley Blackwell, 2014).
Call Number: TC413 .W375 2014

4.Telecommunication network economics: from theory to applications / Patrick Maille, Bruno Tuffin (Oxford : Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Call Number: TK5102.5 .M35 2014

5.NGN architectures, protocols and services / Toni Janevski (Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2014).
Call Number: TK5105.5 .J358 2014

6.Evolutionary algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks / Bernabe Dorronsoro, et al (Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2014).
Call Number: TK6570.M6 D65 2014

7.Mobility protocols and handover optimization: design, evaluation and application / Ashutosh Dutta, Henning Schulzrinne (Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, 2014).
Call Number: TK6570.M6 D84 2014

8.Distributed photovoltaic grid transformers / Hemchandra Madhusudan Shertukde (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2014).
Call Number: TK7872.I65 S54 2014

9.Nanoscale microwave engineering: optical control of nanodevices / Charlotte Tripon-Canseliet, Jean Chazelas (London: ISTE; 2014).
Call Number: TK7876 .T75 2014

10.Close calls: managing risk and resilience in airline flight safety / by Carl Macrae (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).
Call Number: TL553.5 .M178 2014