These materials will generally be available for browsing on the new book shelf by Monday morning. If you have any questions, concerns, or want us to order a book for the collection, let us know. Please send email to:
University of Washington Engineering Library
(; (206)543-0740
1.UbiComp 2002: ubiquitous computing: 4th International Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, September 29-October 1, 2002: proceedings / Gaetano Borriello, Lars Erik Holmquist (eds.) (2002: Göteborg, Sweden) (Berlin; Springer 2002).
Call Number: QA76.5915 .U25 2002
2.Java servlet and JSP cookbook / Bruce W. Perry (Sebastopol, Calif.: O'Reilly, 2004).
Call Number: QA76.73.J38 P469 2004
3. The design thinking playbook: mindful digital transformation of teams, products, services, businesses and ecosystems / by Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link, Larry Leifer; visualization Nadia Langensand (Hoboken: Wiley, 2018).
Call Number: T49.5 .L49 2018
4.Implementing automated road transport systems in urban settings / edited by Adriano Alessandrini (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 2018).
Call Number: TE228.3 .I44 2018
5.Towards energy sustainability / editors, C.A. Brebbia, J.J. Sendra (Southampton, UK; WIT Press, 2018).
Call Number: TJ808 .T69 2018
6.Internet of things A to Z: technologies and applications / edited by Qusay F. Hassan (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2018).
Call Number: TK5105.8857 .I58 2018
7.Non-linearities in passive RFID systems: third harmonic concept and applications/ Gianfranco Andia, Yvan Duroc, Smail Tedjinin (London, UK: ISTE Ltd; 2018).
Call Number: TK6570.I34 A53 2018
8.Patterns for time-triggered embedded systems: building reliable applications with the 8051 family of microcontrollers / Michael J. Pont (Harlow: Addison-Wesley 2001).
Call Number: TK7895.E42 P66 2001 text, disc