Monday, July 23, 2018

ENGINEERING LIBRARY NEW BOOK LIST for the week of July 23-29, 2018

Engineering Library New Books List

These materials will generally be available for browsing on the new book shelf by Monday morning. If you have any questions, concerns, or want us to order a book for the collection, let us know. Please send email to:

University of Washington Engineering Library
(; (206)543-0740

1.Design roots: culturally significant designs, products, and practices / edited by Stuart Walker, Martyn Evans, Tom Cassidy, Jeyon Jung, and Amy Twigger Holroyd (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018).
Call Number: NK1175 .D477 2018

2.The second age of computer science: from ALGOL genes to neural nets / Subrata Dasgupta (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018).
Call Number: QA76.17 .D363 2018

3.Essential COM / Don Box (Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley, 1998).
Call Number: QA76.64 .B693 1998

4.Essential XML quick reference: a programmer's reference to XML, XPath, XSLT, XML Schema, SOAP, and more / Aaron Skonnard, Martin Gudgin (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2002).
Call Number: QA76.76.H94 S59 2002

5.Creating and capturing value through crowdsourcing / edited by Christopher L. Tucci, Allan Afuah, and Gianluigi Viscusi (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
Call Number: QA76.9.H84 C74 2018

6.Semiconducting polymers: controlled synthesis and microstructure / edited by Christine Luscombe (Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017).
Call Number: QD382.C66 S46 2017

7.Perl programming for medicine and biology / Jules J. Berman (Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007).
Call Number: R858 .B472 2007

8.Teaching about technology: an introduction to the philosophy of technology for non-philosophers / Marc J. de Vries (Switzerland: Springer, 2016).
Call Number: T14 .V75 2016

9.AIQ: how people and machines are smarter together / Nick Polson and James Scott (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2018).
Call Number: TA167 .P65 2018

10.Deep learning for image processing applications / edited by D. Jude Hemanth and Vania Vieira Estrela (Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2017).
Call Number: TA1637 .D44 2017

11.Power struggles: dignity, value, and the renewable energy frontier in Spain / Jaume Franquesa (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2018).
Call Number: TJ163.155.S7 F73 2018

12.Industrial energy management strategies: creating a culture of continuous improvement / by Kaushik Bhattacharjee (Lilburn, GA: The Fairmont Press, Inc., 2018).
Call Number: TJ163.3 .B49 2018

13.Modelling and control of robot manipulators / Lorenzo Sciavicco and Bruno Siciliano (London; Springer, 2000).
Call Number: TJ211.35. S43 2000

14.Smart grid redefined: transformation of the electric utility / Dr. Mani Vadari (Boston; Artech House, 2018).
Call Number: TK3105 .V33 2018

15.Penetration testing fundamentals: a hands-on guide to reliable security audits / Chuck Easttom (Indianapolis, Indian: Pearson, 2018).
Call Number: TK5105.59 .E27 2018

16.MTI and pulsed doppler radar with MATLAB / D. Curtis Schleher (Boston: Artech House, 2010).
Call Number: TK6592.M67 S35 2010 text, disc

17.Modern digital electronics / R.P. Jain (Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008).
Call Number: TK7868.D5 J34 2008

18.Physics and technology of crystalline oxide semiconductor CAAC-IGZO. Fundamentals / edited by Noboru Kimizuka, Shunpei Yamazaki (Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley, 2017).
Call Number: TK7871.85 .Y3576 2017

19.Process theory: the principles of operations management / Matthias Holweg, Jane Davies, Arnoud de Meyer, Benn Lawson, Roger W. Schmenner (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
Call Number: TS155 .H648 2018

20.Demand driven material requirements planning (DDMRP) Version 2 / Carol Ptak and Chad Smith (South Norwalk, Connecticut: Industrial Press, Inc., 2018).
Call Number: TS161 .P789 2018

21.Design thinking research: making distinctions: collaboration versus cooperation/Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel, Larry Leifer, editors (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018).
Call Number: TS171.4 .D47 2018

22.Rapidly prototyping interfaces with InDesign / Carla Viviana Coleman (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2018).
Call Number: TS171.8 .C67 2018

Last updated