(englib@u.washington.edu); (206)543-0740
1.Hands-on introduction to LabVIEW for scientists and engineers / John Essick, Reed College (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019).
Call Number: Q185 .E69 2018
2.Creating intelligent content with lightweight DITA / Carlos Evia (New York: Routledge, 2019).
Call Number: QA76.76.H94 E97 2019
3.Fluid dynamics: theoretical and computational approaches / Z.U.A. Warsi (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1993).
Call Number: QC151 .W37 1993
4.Advanced technologies for the rehabilitation of gait and balance disorders / Giorgio Sandrini, Volker Homberg, Leopold Saltuari, Nicola Smania, Alessandra Pedrocchi, editors (Cham: Springer, 2018).
Call Number: R856 .A628 2018
5.Applied biomechatronics using mathematical models / Jorge Garza-Ulloa (London; Elsevier/Academic Press, 2018).
Call Number: R856 .G37 2018
6.Implantable biomedical microsystems: design principles and applications / [edited by] Swarup Bhunia, Steve J.A. Majerus, Mohamad Sawan (Amsterdam; Elsevier/William Andrew, 2015).
Call Number: R856 .I37 2015
7.Excellence beyond compliance: establishing a medical device quality system / by William I. White (Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018).
Call Number: R856.6 .W45 2018
8.Nano-inspired biosensors for protein assay with clinical applications / edited by Genxi Li (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 2019).
Call Number: R857.B54 N34 2019
9.The craft of scientific writing / Michael Alley (New York, NY: Springer, 2018).
Call Number: T11 .A37 2018
10.Engineering a better future: interplay between engineering, social sciences, and innovation / Eswaran Subrahmanian, Toluwalogo Odumosu, Jeffrey Y. Tsao, editors (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018).
Call Number: T14.5 .E545 2018
11.The kid who invented the popsicle: and other surprising stories about inventions/ Don L. Wulffson(New York, N.Y.: Puffin Books, 1999).
Call Number: T15 .W85 1999
12.Brainstorm!: the stories of twenty American kid inventors / Tom Tucker; with drawings by Richard Loehle (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012).
Call Number: T39 .T85 2012
13.The innovators behind Leonardo: the true story of the scientific and technological Renaissance / Plinio Innocenzi; foreword by Edward Burman (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019).
Call Number: T40.L46 I56 2019
14.Design thinking research: looking further: design thinking beyond solution-fixation / Christoph Meinel, Larry Leifer, editors Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019).
Call Number: T49.5 .D47 2019
15.Living innovation: from value creation to the greater good / by Sang M. Lee, Seongbae Lim (Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018).
Call Number: T173.8 .L44 2018
16.Ingenious patents: bubble wrap, barbed wire, bionic eyes, and other pioneering inventions / Ben Ikenson and Jay Bennett (New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Pub, 2018).
Permanent Location: Patents-Floor 1, Library Use Only
Call Number: T212 .I34 2018
17.Finite element analysis: theory and application with ANSYS / Saeed Moaveni (Boston: Pearson, 2015).
Call Number: TA347.F5 M62 2015
18.Wind engineering for natural hazards modeling, simulation, and mitigation of windstorm impact on critical infrastructure / edited by Aly Mousaad Aly, Elena Dragomirescu (2016: Nashville, Tenn.) (Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018).
Call Number: TA658.48 .E45 2016
19.Handbook of hydraulics / James E. Lindell, Wade P. Moore, Horace W. King (New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018).
Call Number: TC160 .B9123 2018
20.Ageing and life extension of offshore structures: the challenge of managing structural integrity / Gerhard Ersdal, John V. Sharp, Alex Stacey (Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2019).
Call Number: TC1670 .E77 2019
21.Climate-resilient infrastructure: adaptive design and risk management / prepared by the ASCE Committee on Adaptation to a Changing Climate; edited by Bilal M. Ayyub (Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018).
Call Number: TD168.5 .A44 2018
22.Building information systems in the construction industry / editors, A. Galiano, L. Mahdjoubi, C.A. Brebbia (Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2018).
Call Number: TH438.13 .B85 2018
23.Mechatronic components: roadmap to design / Emin Faruk Kececi (Oxford, United Kingdom; Butterworth-Heinemann, an imprint of Elsevier, 2019).
Call Number: TJ163.12 .K423 2019
24.Thermodynamic weirdness: from Fahrenheit to Clausius / Don S. Lemons (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2019).
Call Number: TJ265 .L38375 2019
25.Design and analysis of centrifugal compressors / Réne Van den Braembussche (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2019).
Call Number: TJ990 .B73 2019
26.Hybridization, diagnostic and prognostic of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: durability and reliability / Samir Jemeï (London: ISTE; 2018)
Call Number: TK2933.P76 J46 2018
27.A billion little pieces: RFID and infrastructures of identification / Jordan Frith (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2019).
Call Number: TK6570.I34 F75 2019
28.Fundamentals of public safety networks and critical communications systems: technologies, deployment, and management / Mehmet Ulema (Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press; 2019).
Call Number: TK6570.P8 U44 2019
29.Conducting polymers, fundamentals and applications: including carbon nanotubes and graphene / Prasanna Chandrasekhar (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018).
Call Number: TK7871.15.P6 C37 2018
30.Energy harvesting for wireless sensor networks: technology, components and system design / edited by Olfa Kanoun (Berlin; Walter de Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2019).
Call Number: TK7872.D48 E54 2019
31.A modern course in aeroelasticity / Earl H. Dowell (Cham: Springer, 2016).
Call Number: TL574.A37 D694 2016
32.The lean product lifecycle: how to make products people want / Tendayi Viki, Craig Strong, and Sonja Kresojevic (Harlow, England: Pearson, 2018).
Call Number: TS155 .V55 2018
33.Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2014).
Call Number: TS176 .K34 2014