These materials will generally be available for browsing on the new book shelf by Monday morning. If you have any questions, concerns, or want us to order a book for the collection, let us know. Please send email to:
University of Washington Engineering Library
(; (206)543-0740
1.Geometric structure of high-dimensional data and dimensionality reduction / Jianzhong Wang (Beijing; Springer, 2012).
Call Number: QA76.9.D35 W36 2012
2.Social signal processing / Judee K. Burgoon, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Maja Pantic, Alessandro Vinciarelli (Cambridge, United Kingdom; Cambridge University Press, 2017).
Call Number: QA76.9.H85 S633 2017
3.Democratic experiments: problematizing nanotechnology and democracy in Europe and the United States / Brice Laurent (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2017).
Call Number: T174.7 .L379 2017
4.Structural analysis of polymeric composite materials / Mark E. Tuttle (Boca Raton: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2013).
Call Number: TA418.9.C6 T88 2013
5.Sustainable local energy planning and decision making: emerging research and opportunities / Vangelis Marinakis (Hershey PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference, 2017).
Call Number: TJ163.3 .M366 2017
6.Alternative energy systems and applications / B.K. Hodge (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2017).
Call Number: TJ808 .H63 2017
7.Quantum effects in tribology / Dmitry N. Lyubimov and Kirill N. Dolgopolov (Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2017).
Call Number: TJ1075 .L545 2017
8.Wave and tidal generation devices: reliability and availability / Peter Tavner (London: Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017).
Call Number: TK1081 .T38 2017
9.The electric battery: charging forward to a low-carbon future / Kevin B. Jones, Benjamin B. Jervey, Matthew Roche, and Sara Barnowski; foreword by Donald R. Sadoway (Santa Barbara, California: Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017).
Call Number: TK2901 .J66 2017
10.From smart grids to smart cities: new challenges in optimizing energy grids / edited by Massimo La Scala (London, UK: ISTE; 2017).
Call Number: TK3105 .F76 2017
11.Communication, signal processing & information technology / Faouzi Derbel, Nabil Derbel, Olfa Kanoun (eds.) (Berlin; De Gruyter, 2017).
Call Number: TK5101 .C66 2017
12.FPGA-based implementation of signal processing systems / Roger Woods, John McAllister, Gaye Lightbody, Ying Yi (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017).
Call Number: TK5102.5 .F647 2017
13.Key technologies for 5G wireless systems / edited by Vincent W.S. Wong, Robert Schober, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Li-Chun Wang (Cambridge, UK; Cambridge University Press, 2017).
Call Number: TK5103.2 .K49 2017
14.Cyber-assurance for the internet of things / edited by Tyson T. Brooks (Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley: 2017).
Call Number: TK5105.8857 .C93 2017
15.Understanding delta-sigma data converters / Shanthi Pavan, Richard Schreier, Gabor C. Temes (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2017).
Call Number: TK7887.6 .S37 2017
16.Automobile heritage and tourism / edited by Michael V. Conlin and Lee Jolliffe (Abingdon, Oxon; Routledge, 2017).
Call Number: TL145 .A98 2017
17.Introduction to nonlinear aeroelasticity / Grigorios Dimitriadis (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017).
Call Number: TL574.A37 D56 2017
18.Apollo 8: the thrilling story of the first mission to the Moon / Jeffrey Kluger (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2017).
Call Number: TL789.8.U6 A54325 2017
19.Sifting the trash: a history of design criticism / Alice Twemlow (Cambridge, Masschusetts: The MIT Press, 2017).
Call Number: TS171.4 .T89 2017
20.Microforming technology: theory, simulation and practice / Zhengyi Jiang, Jingwei Zhao, and Haibo Xie (London: Academic Press, 2017).
Call Number: TS176 .J53 2017