The My Knovel ToGo tablet application is now available for Android and iOS.
Take advantage of Knovel's Basic Search, Data Search and interactive equations on your iPad or tablet!
My Knovel ToGo is a mobile reader that provides both on- and offline access to Knovel content that users select from the UW Libraries subscription. This supports users who, for example, need to catch up on projects in transit, reference best practices while at a project site or otherwise access critical content while away from the office or offline.
Users can download three titles at a time and a maximum of up to 9 titles per month. Downloaded titles can be accessed offline for up to 30 days between online connects to sync the tablet device. Offline usage will be tracked and uploaded every time the user is online.
Users can download the app directly from the Apple/IOS app store or the Android/Google Play app store.