These materials will generally be available for browsing on the new book shelf by Monday morning. If you have any questions, concerns, or want us to order a book for the collection, let us know. Please send email to:
University of Washington Engineering Library
(; (206)543-0740
1. Industrial engineering applications in emerging countries/ edited by
Ihsan Sabuncuoglu, Bahar Y. Kara, Bopaya Bidanda (Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press, 2015).
Call Number: T56 .I435 2015
2. Transient analysis of power systems: solution techniques, tools,
and applications/ edited by Juan A. Martinez-Velasco Chichester,
West Sussex, UK: Wiley, 2015).
Call Number: TK1010 .T73 2015
3. Communication acoustics: an introduction to speech, audio and psychoacoustics/
Ville Pulkki and Matti Karjalainen (Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley, 2015).
Call Number: TK7881.4 .P85 2015
4. Automotive Ethernet / Kirsten Matheus and Thomas Konigseder,
BMW AG, Muchen(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015).
Call Number: TL272.53 .M38 2015