Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How do I print @uwlibraries?

Printing @ the Engineering Library


First, add funds to your Husky Card.  The easiest way is to use a credit card to add funds online.  You may also add funds using cash at several automated Husky Card Account deposit stations at several locations on campus, including the Allen Library (ground floor, north lobby) and  Odegaard Undergraduate Library (2nd floor).  The HUB ticket office (main floor of the HUB) and the Husky Card Account & ID Center (Odegaard Undergraduate Library, ground floor) also accept deposits.
For more information about adding money to your Husky Card:

Not current UW student, faculty or staff?  Visitors may purchase Dawg Prints cards to print.   The Guest Card Dispenser for Dawg Prints cards is located on the first floor of the Engineering Library, between the elevators and main stairway, across from the Information Desk.  Cards cost $5.00 ($4.80 in prints) and the dispenser only accepts $1 or $5 bills.
For more information about Dawg Prints guest cards:

Send your print job from computers at any of the Libraries across campus, as well as many departmental labs.  Computers are available primarily on the first and third floors of the Engineering Library.  The Engineering Library Printer is located on the first floor of the building.   A print release station is attached to the printer.  Swipe your Husky Card or Dawg Prints card to pay for the prints.
For more information about computers in the UW Libraries:
To find locations of other Dawg Prints printers:

Need to print from your laptop?  In order to print from your laptop through the wireless network, you must download a print driver for your particular location. Click the link below for a list of Dawg Prints printer locations and drivers. For drivers for the printer in our building, choose "Engineering Library" or "Engineering Library Duplex."
Dawg Prints Printers:

Making copies?  Copying is now the printer.  Use the Scan Station on the first floor to scan your documents and send the scan to the printer.  You may also scan to a USB drive or to email.  A UWNetID is required to scan to email.  Additional flat bed scanners (UWNetID required) are located in the ELIC Computer Lab on the 3rd floor.