Knovel, a web-based application integrating technical information with analytical and search tools, has announced a partnership with ASM International, The Materials Information Society. ASM publishes information on selection, properties, processing and performance of materials ranging from metals and alloys through plastics and ceramics in handbook, dataset and atlas forms.
Knovel partners with more than 70 international professional societies and publishers to ensure engineers have access to trusted sources of technical content across 23 engineering subject areas. ASM's authoritative published content will be combined with Knovel's data search capabilities and interactive analysis tools.
The combination of expanded materials information alongside best practice information on processing, design and development, is expected to enable engineers using Knovel to quickly access more of the data they need and incorporate it into their work. Engineers working in industries including Aerospace, Design and Construction, Specialty Chemicals, Industrial Equipment and Oil and Gas will benefit greatly from this combined offering.