Wednesday, June 23, 2010

IEEE launches mobile interface

IEEE Xplore Mobile Comes out of Beta, New Features Added

Provides Ability to Search over Two Million Technical Documents with a Web-enabled Mobile Device

15 June 2010 – IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional association for the advancement of technology, today announced the launch of IEEE Xplore Mobile, which incorporates enhancements based on user feedback collected from a beta test period that began last June. IEEE Xplore Mobile gives users the ability to conveniently perform searches of over two million technical documents with any mobile device connected to the Internet.

The following IEEE Xplore Mobile features represent upgrades from the initial beta version. Users can now conduct a basic search from the IEEE Xplore Mobile home page, then refine it by searching within the results or by using subject filters. A predictive type-ahead feature, that suggests searches as you type, is available for mobile devices that are JavaScript-enabled. All results you would find on the classic IEEE Xplore for abstracts and citations are displayed ten at a time by relevancy. Users can then decide to read or e-mail the abstracts to a remote computer.

Users with the proper subscription can view the full-text of an article by e-mailing the link to any e-mail address, then viewing the article directly from the main IEEE Xplore Web site when they are on their personal computer. Non-subscribers can purchase the articles or subscribe to the IEEE Xplore digital library.

Some users at subscribing institutions will be able to access full-text PDF documents using a Wi-Fi-enabled mobile device. Sign in to the Wi-Fi at any institution with an active IP authenticated subscription and receive full-text access, based on the subscription terms.

“The growing popularity of using mobile devices for Internet access was a key motivation driving the development of the mobile application,” according to Anthony Durniak, IEEE Publications Staff Director. “IEEE Xplore users now conduct an average of 200,000 searches a day and make more than seven million downloads a month. We realized that remote access to those searches would be a huge convenience factor. The mobile application also provides us with the opportunity to answer our users’ questions wherever they may be."